voice recognition

Amadeus W. M. amadeus84 at cablespeed.com
Wed Aug 16 00:18:12 UTC 2006

On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 21:51:36 -0600, David Mamanakis wrote:

> I found myself a job where I can use Linux. The preferred brand is SuSe.
> What I am wondering is, 
> Is there a voice recognition program like Dragon NS that I can install and
> use?
> Something like it, or would it work to install Dragon via Wine?
> Just curious, thanks!
> --E

Carnegie Mellon University has a strong speech lab and
they have open source software:


Check out the Sphinx project. 

>From them we also have Festival, and its light version flite.
Of course, it's research software, not commercial, so it may not
be particularly easy to setup. Depends on your skills and 

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