adding packages from original install location

Vivek J. Patankar list307 at
Wed Aug 16 00:27:40 UTC 2006


I recently installed FC5 (x86_64) on my laptop from an installation
dump on a LAN webserver. I forgot to install development packages. Now
I have to compile the "hotkeys" package for my laptop, but I'm unable
to do so.

I tried to add the development packages from Add/Remove Software in
the Main Menu but it doesn't work. I guess it insists on connecting to
online repositories, which by the way don't work as I haven't been
able to get Yum working with my authenticated proxy. Previously (in FC
3) I could use the program to add packages from the orginal
installation media.

Has something changed that I am not aware of? Shouldn't the Add/Remove
Packages utility be able to use the original install location?


Registered Linux User #374218
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