Latest Seamonkey update

Kostas Sfakiotakis kostassf at
Wed Aug 16 11:30:05 UTC 2006

Jim Cornette wrote:
> Kostas Sfakiotakis wrote:
>> Greetings Jim ,

< snip >

>> With the GUI interface there is an option saying
>> "Enforcing Current" : Enforcing which i have selected if i remove that
>> thing would i enter "permissive mode" ?
>> Is there a CLI that can set the thing ?
> I have not tried it, but there is system-config-securitylevel-tui which 
> sounds like a CLI interface. You could also edit the /etc/selinux/config 
> manually.
> Running setenforce 0 in a root terminal will set it to permissive for 
> the term of your session. Adding enforcing=0 to the kernel line in the 
> grub.conf will set it to permissive mode on boot.

Thanks for the information .

< snip >

>> For me it is just a working recipe that i have become used to , so 
>> unless there is some pretty serious reason i don't intent to change it,
>> you see am just a home user and seamonkey is all i can ask for .
>> Since you mentioned HTML editor have you tried Quanta Plus , it's in
>> development , am just happy with the browser and the email client , i 
>> don't need anything more .
> I just wanted an editor that can render decent in Linux or Windows and 
> displays very similar in any brand of browser that the user employs. The 
> editor in mozilla/firefox works that way for me. I can edit documents 
> with the editor and it looks the same, even with the IE browsers.
> I will try out Quanta Plus for personal use though.

Quanta is a standalone thing , not something that gets integrated with 
a browser .

  It might be interesting to see a full functional editor compared to a 
bare bones
> editor.

>> Ask yum about that . I just entered "yum install seamonkey" and it came
>> from , so i guess it exists . Btw the funny
>> story goes on . After i tried the thing , i tried to remove the rpm
>> version . Guess what again another 255 complaining about an scriptlet
>> error . A couple of minutes ago i checked and the rpm version was gone 
>> but due to some error the rpm database wasn't notified . So the rpm 
>> database believes that the thing is there while it isn't .
> It sounds like you might have a lot of such entries on your system since 
> you have this error with seamonkey and SELinux.

Well it was the first time i observed the 255 error .

> Below is a link to a script within a file that detects multiple versions 
> of packages installed because of the 255 exit code selinux policy 
> settings deny while the rpm scriptlet is being run.

I will certainly try the script and see what comes out .

> There are versions on the email archives with about the same content. 
> Basically, the script checks your rpm database for multiple versions of 
> any rpm that is entered in the database. If it finds any multiple 
> versions of an rpm, it will list both versions and display the output. 
> I'm guessing your system is littered with such multiple versions 
> cluttering the rpm database. I doubt seamonkey will be a lone instance.
> Regarding the version of seamonkey having the error, getting familiar 
> with rpm commands like --justdb and --allmatches might help you clear up 
> the problems with bogus entries in the rpm database. It just might be 
> time to think about upgrading to FC5, with a clean install.

Well since i have a multipartition scheme over here i guess it wouldn't 
be that difficult to perform a clean install from scratch . If am not 
wrong the "/" ,"usr", "var" are the ones that's mandatory to format , 
possibly "tmp" but "home" for instance may remain intact . Well i will 
use that as a last resort , first i will try your other proposals and i 
will shutdown selinux for a while until things get clear enough .


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