Image Browser

Kostas Sfakiotakis kostassf at
Wed Aug 16 11:55:14 UTC 2006

Greetings Anne,

Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 August 2006 23:39, Ron Siven wrote:
>> Whatever happened to Kuickview?  It's a simple image viewer that allows
>> navigation from image to image within a folder with the page up/down keys,
>> easy rotation capabilities, etc.  I would compare it to the Windows image
>> and fax viewer.  I used to use it to quickly run through and rotate the
>> pictures from my camera before printing or posting them to my website. 
>> Suddenly, it disappeared from both of my systems (FC4 & FC5) after a recent
>> update.
> Do you mean Kuickshow?  

He probably doesn't . Doing a google search for Kuickview point out :

> - Kuickview missing after upgrade to KDE 3.5.3-0.3.fc5

The above link seems to speak about Fedora Core 5 . The thing though is 
that i have Fedora Core 4 and

> kde-i18n-Japanese-3.5.3-0.1.fc4

and i don't have the Kuickview package he speaks about . It seems that
version 3.5.3-* is the "offending version" that removes the Kuickview 
package .

At this point i have to say that i don't have Kuickshow either although 
i recall doing an everything install . I will certainly check though 
what Kuickshow is all about .


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