progress on wifi configuration

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Wed Aug 16 12:56:07 UTC 2006

On Wednesday August 16 2006 7:58 am, Andy Green wrote:
> Mmmm that is pretty cool!  Note you may need to edit
> /etc/wifi-radar/wifi-radar.conf to set your default interface, it comes
> out of the box set for eth1, whereas I am on wlan0.

I haven't tried it on FC - on my laptop running MEPIS, it just came up and 
worked, finding wlan0 right away... I may just try FC5 or wait for 6 on my 
laptop before long. I like MEPIS for many reasons, but, it's support for 
cutting edge programs especially in the audio/video area is spotty, and that 
happens to be my main interest. But I need my wifi to work, too. 
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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