Setting up NTP for multicast client service

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Wed Aug 16 18:00:46 UTC 2006

>> Hmm, I hadn't paid attention to that recently, but I don't see a
>> drift file now that I've looked.  There used to be one, when I was
>> getting NTP up and running ages ago.  Is there a preferred solution?
>> (Ownership, permissions, etc.)

james edwards:
> owned by ntp, read/write for user ntp, no one else needs to read it.
> It has to be configed in ntp.conf:
> driftfile /etc/ntp/drift 

Finally got around to checking on this, and noticed something I missed
before:  It seems the default for FC is "driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift"
and that does have the ntp:ntp ownership that I'd have expected.

In some ways that makes sense (putting variable data somewhere in /var),
but in others I'm not sure (is it really a "lib" sort of file?).

The /etc/ntp* files and directory are all root:root owned, though.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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