Install vanilla kernel

Jay Cliburn jacliburn at
Wed Aug 16 19:04:02 UTC 2006

On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 11:12:25AM -0700, John Wendel wrote:
> Easy recipe follows
> [1] make a directory (in your home directory) to hold the sources, I 
> called mine "kernel".
> > mkdir kernel
> [2] put the kernel tarfile, the latest patch file, and a kernel 
> configuration file in the "kernel" directory. You can start with the 
> configuration file in /boot.
> [3] run this script (change the version to match your kernel source).
> tar --bzip -xf linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2
> cd linux-2.6.17
> make mrproper
> cp ../patch* .
> bunzip2 patch*
> patch -p1 < patch*
> rm patch*
> make clean
> # skip this if you don't have an old config file
> cp ../configuration .config
> make oldconfig
> [4] If you don't have a kernel configuration file, or you need to make 
> some changes,
> > make menuconfig (or one of the other menu options)
> [5] Build the new kernel
> I use the following, but there are other options to make an rpm if 
> you're into pain.
> > make
> > make modules_install
> > make install
> [6] Your new kernel has been installed in /boot and /lib/modules, and 
> grub has been updated.
> [7] Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf if you want to make the new kernel the 
> default.
> [8] Say prayer to Linus and Reboot

Perfect!  You filled in my knowledge gap with [6].  Thank you very much.

So are the symsets...tar.gz, symvers...gz, and config...fc6 files in /boot
*needed* by Red Hat/Fedora kernels?

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