For sale Brand New Juicy Couture Sidekick II for $120

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at
Wed Aug 16 20:54:50 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 16 August 2006 19:12, Mike McCarty wrote:
> Nigel Henry wrote:
> > On Monday 14 August 2006 20:37, Frank Cox wrote:
> >>On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:47:28 -0400
> >>
> >>Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at> wrote:
> >>>if he is killed, then that particular source of spam is removed
> >>>from the gene pool.
> >>
> >>Perhaps the gene pool needs a lifeguard....
> >
> > And preferably one that can't swim. "Nudge Nudge" "Wink Wink" "Nod Nod"
> > "Say no more" (credited to Monty Python)
> But his wife could be a "goer" :-)
> Mike

I'm confused now. Who's wife is this? The lifeguard who can't swim. The 
spammer who drowns, or perhaps even Gene's wife. Oops. I shouldn't have said 
that one, as she might come over here and smack me round the back of the head 
for inferring such terrible things.

Joking aside, the spamming is getting out of hand. Recently I saw that 64% of 
e-mail traffic was spam.  I've recently installed Bogofilter on my machine, 
which filters the incoming mail to Kmail. I'm still building up the database 
at the moment, which has about 650 Spam, and NonSpam in it. I think I'll call 
a halt to updating it when it reaches 1000, apart from the e-mails that end 
up in the Unsure box. 

I have to glance at the stuff thats turning up in the Spam box, just to make 
sure it's not legit e-mail (none so far). I'm 57, and am just sickened with 
this stuff telling you that you need an extension to a certain part of your 

The fact that they're still sending this stuff out, seems to indicate that 
they're getting a response from these e-mails. Does that mean that the planet 
is full of sex maniacs?  

Perhaps I'm just getting a bit old, and don't understand how younger folks 
view such stuff.

Joining you in the Old Farts club Gene.


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