upgraded FC3 to FC4 and then FC4 to FC5

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 04:44:10 UTC 2006

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-16-08 at 19:24 -0400, H.S. wrote:
>>I just did two upgradation mostly successfully and figured I should list 
>>my experiences here.
> Do you see any oddities with your desktop?  I once did a yum upgrade
> from one version of FC to another (can't remember which versions), and
> Gnome had a nervous twitch until I reinstalled fresh.
> I would like to do an upgrade from FC4 to FC5, but I'm hesitant because
> of my past experience with it.  Doing a full install will take time, and
> I just don't have much of that these days.
> Regards,
> Ranbir

Hi Kanwar,

Everything seemed as it was before. I used the upgraded FC5 for a day 
and did not notice any difference ata ll. But the next day I removed all 
older gnome and kde config files and started a new. This was not due to 
any problem, note it. It was just a cleanup I did ... for no urgent reason.

Note that I wasn't using any dag or livna repositories, not sure if this 
matters, just wanted to clarify that.

I would say if you have a recent kernel and removed all older ones and 
did rpm --rebuilddb and have enough disk space and have a reasonably 
fast internet connection, you should be all okay for the upgrade via yum.

I must admit I was surprised by yum's performance. It still doesn't 
compare with apt, but it is a huge improvement over rpm or yum of FC2 
FC3 days.


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