FAILED for eth0

Brad Bonkoski bbonkoski at
Thu Aug 17 15:44:27 UTC 2006

what do you get when you run /sbin/ifconfig -a?
Perhaps the new network card requires a different driver for your kernel...
And if you are not familiar with the process of building/loading new 
modules for the kernel, I am not sure if there is an *easy* way to do 
this, except for letting the installer run and guessing what modules you 

Paul Smith wrote:
> On 8/17/06, Timothy Murphy <tim at> wrote:
>> > When I turn off my computer, I get an OK for everything, except for
>> > eth0. Is there some way of automatically reconfiguring that device?
>> Your query is a bit vague,
>> but the entry in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>> has to be correct.
>> The various network wizards should hopefully do this.
> Thanks, Timothy. I agree that my query is vague, but I do not know how
> to make it more detailed. Maybe someone could tell me what I should
> add to describe better my problem. However, I suspect from what I see
> at shutdown time that the problem is related with HWADDR. The content
> of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 is quoted below:
> # more /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> # Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
> DEVICE=eth0
> HWADDR=00:30:4F:2B:8C:84
> ONBOOT=yes
> TYPE=Ethernet
> #
> I would like to add that my Ethernet card was changed together with
> the processor upgrade.
> Paul

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