Fedora Core 5 Issues

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Thu Aug 17 16:35:46 UTC 2006

On Thursday 17 August 2006 11:48, Roger wrote:
> I did not even have the Graphical aspect of Fedora installed i installed
> just the bare minimum and for some reason a lot of things were installed
> that i did not specify instance the Bluetooth, it was causing my server
> to crash and i removed that, i removed exim basically all i did was
> remove... remove... until the thing was making my hard drives die.
> The guys at Red Hat have a lot of work to do because FC5 is a load of
> trash, i tried to upgrade my kernel and it did not work, so i guess some
> of the nifty that FC5 comes with are a direct trade off for stabilty,
> the only reason i opted for FC5 was because FC3 did not have SATA
> drivers for my server so i hastily put together a small machine with
> 768MB memory and 40G hard  drive and i am running Qmail with MySQL
> integration there and so far the machine has not complained(I am
> touching wood by the way!!!).
> It has to be back to the work bench for FC5, i hear they have already
> released FC6!

I hate to break this to you, as I'm running 6 FC5 Xen DomU domains on a 
production server for some of our customers who wanted to host a full webiste 
without the need for Co-location.  It's a new service we have been offering 
for about 2 months now and it's been absolutely rock solid.  Not to mention 
that I have 2 FC5 servers that pull in weather data from 144 NWS radars all 
day every day at about 10Mbps for over 6 months without a reboot.  

We have 5 more FC5 servers that control more than 20TB of weather data that is 
used in multi-GB chunks for one of our customers who use a 20CPU SGI server 
to process radar images for TV stations all over the country.  Not to mention 
all our DNS/web/monitoring servers running FC5.  I've even migrated a couple 
of our servers from RHEL to FC5 as RHEl didn't support the RAID cards in the 
boxes well enough.  I also personally have 10 FC5 servers/workstations at 
home that provide MP3 jukebox/video editing capabilities, workstations for my 
kids and my squid proxy to filter out unwanted crap to my kids systems'.

I've never had a problem with FC5, either in a straight install or an upgrade.  
Yum updates flawlessly and other than Gentoo running on my laptop, I wouldn't 
use another OS.  If you are having problems, you need to post them on the 
list or file a bug report.  Hearing 'it did not work' (and I hear that A LOT) 
without any other documentation is useless.  

Personally it sounds like the drives you had were dying and that's what caused 
FC5 to act up.  But based on such limited information, I could be wrong.

As for FC6, it's at Test2 and even with it as a test release, I'm happy with 
Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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