Fedora Core 5 Issues

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Thu Aug 17 18:07:28 UTC 2006

Mark Haney wrote:

> Regardless, that scenario of the OP is exactly my situation, I run almost 
> entirely x86_64 CPUs with SATA (and SATA2) drives as boot and RAID drives. I 

> Honestly, nothing annoys me more than a post (or phone call, face-to-face, 
> etc) where someone says, 'It's broken' and nothing else.  Being a Sysadmin 
> for as long as I have this is my one pet peeve.

Yes they tell you 'it's broken' and then there is a silence while you 
wait to hear why they think it's broken, and they wait for you to fix it.

Well you are firing on a lot of cylinders there the only thin difference 
is are you running a kernel from the last 6-8 weeks or so?  I guess not 
on those unrebooted Opterons.  I don't have any basis for my suspicion 
except that the behaviours on my box of knocking two HDDs to death from 
different manufacturers and the fact it was fine for a good long while 
beforehand.  And I guess I know there is libata and kernelside work to 
do with ATA in kernels around that time.  But it can as easily, well, 
more easily, be a powersupply problem in my case.

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