FC5 - Samba seems to have a problem

Chris Jones linux at stow-jones.co.uk
Thu Aug 17 18:25:50 UTC 2006

I am seeing a lot of messages similar to the one below in 

Aug 17 19:10:48 bilbo nmbd[2673]: [2006/08/17 19:10:48, 0] 
Aug 17 19:10:48 bilbo nmbd[2673]:   Packet send failed to ERRNO=Invalid argument
Aug 17 19:10:50 bilbo nmbd[2673]: [2006/08/17 19:10:50, 0] 
Aug 17 19:10:50 bilbo nmbd[2673]:   Packet send failed to ERRNO=Invalid argument

Does anyone know what might be causing this? And then, how do I correct 
the problem?

I had to re-boot my FC5 PC last night and one of the reasons it took 
over 25 minutes to present the login screen was the above messages.

Chris Jones

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