Image Browser

Ron Siven r.siven at
Thu Aug 17 22:58:45 UTC 2006

On Thursday 17 August 2006 08:26, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Wolfgang Gill wrote:
> > Well, I'm running FC4 not FC5. So it seems that the kdegraphics file
> > must have been split somehow. But in my YUM repo list there is in
> > fact a fedora-extras repo. But kdegraphics-extras isn't listed for
> > FC4. So it must be a FC5 thing..
> It's not at FC5 thing.  The standard repos for both FC4 and FC5 have
> kuickshow in the kdegraphics package.  The kde-redhat repo, however,
> has split kuickshow off into a separate kdegraphics-extras package.
> This is what I am guessing Ron has enabled.
> --
> Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
> ======================================================================
> If you know the reason for the rule, know you are breaking it, and
> know why the rule does not apply, go ahead and break it.


You are correct.  I do use kde-redhat.  Can I assume that the package split 
was recent?


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