For sale Brand New Juicy Couture Sidekick II for $120

Patrick W. Barnes nman64 at
Fri Aug 18 07:53:14 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 16 August 2006 12:20, Mike McCarty <Mike.McCarty at> 
> > Oh yeah, you being a Texan (just a stone's throw from being an Okie, but
> > I won't dare call you that!), you forgot cilantro in your chili recipe!
> Them's fightin' words, son! (Callin' uh Texun uh Okie!)
> Cilantro is *always* an ingredient in chili when I make it. But then,
> I always also throw in a home-grown habanero chili pepper as well.

Only one?  I suppose that might do if you're using Red Savinas.  ;-)  There's 
nothing quite like a good, fresh habanero pepper.  I also enjoy them on my 

> I've lived in Texas all my life, and grew up on chilli. All down
> in the Valley, and West Texas. I lived out in Seminole, which
> is not too far from Midland/Odessa for 3 years. Rained twice.
> Once for five minutes (got a one foot deep flash flood), once for
> 30 minutes (no flood). Now I live in a suburb of Dallas, and Ah
> cain't git no goooood chilli. Gotta cook mah oan.
> There just isn't any good Tex-Mex much North of San Antonio,
> unless you make your own.

I will always love my hometown of San Antonio.  I'm in Amarillo now, and there 
are a few places in the area to get good Tex-Mex, but sometimes I wonder how 
some of the people here can call themselves Texans.  If it measures less than 
10,000 on the Scoville scale, it isn't worth eating.

Patrick "The N-Man" Barnes
nman64 at


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