Fedora Core 5 Issues

Roger roger at wack.co.za
Fri Aug 18 07:55:05 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 22:19 +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Roger wrote:
> > How long did you try running your athlone, hopefully longer than 7 days
> > and what services were running on it, were they production type
> > services .
> > 
> > I was hosting just over 1000 domains on FC5 and with very disastrous
> > consequences so i have moved away from FC5 and another friend of mine
> > with a lot more Linux experience tried unsuccessfully to run a
> > production server on FC5.
> Why do people making this "bleeding edge" complaint
> always give such vague information about their problems?
> What exactly (or even roughly) went wrong with these "1000 domains"?
> And how does a "production server" work any differently
> from any other server?
> Regarding my problem with an Athlon-64 (Targa) machine,
> I'm pretty sure it has to do with X, as I said,
> so it is only tangentially related to Fedora.
> In fact this machine runs Windows-XP most of the time,
> being used by our Polish au pair
> to run a program which allows her to talk to and see
> her friends and relations in Poland
> who are running the same program at their end.
> (I think it is called Gadu Gadu.)
> So I couldn't run FC in text mode for 7 days,
> but it showed no sign of any problems during the few hours I did run it.
> I'm pretty sure the problem has something to do
> with the Xorg Radeon (9600) driver,
> but as I hardly ever run the machine under Linux
> it is not worth spending a lot of time on.
> I expect it will be solved sooner or later by the Xorg people.
As i said i am not X at all, i just did a minimal installation. Perhaps
it could be that the CD i got from my distro was messed up because a
friend of mine got that FC5 x86_64 CD and some 7 seven days after
running the server, it displayed the same symptoms as mine.

Now what i noticed is ... seeing as i am running a mail server there are
times when spammers try to mail bomb that server and the funny thing is
that at one point a guy tried to mailbomb me with 7000+ spam in a very
short space of time, and that is when the server went down, it always
went down fast whenever i got large amounts of mail in a short space of

It could be the CD but my stinking suspicion is that FC 5 32 bit version
is OK but the 64 bit has a problem and also seeing as in many programs
running on Linux have 32 bit code in them, guess one is bound to have
problem unless one has the time and ability to implement these programs
in 64 bit code, in which i would say Red Hat needs you.

But for now i think they need to put a lot more emphasis on stability
because FC5 needed a lot more work, its got some nifty features but the
tradeoff is stability.
> Actually, I find all these discussions about "stability" rather unreal,
> as all Windows and Linux distributions seem completely stable to me.
> (I tried running Minix-3 last week, and that was certainly not stable,
> as run by me; but I am quite willing to believe 
> I was doing something wrong.)
> -- 
> Timothy Murphy  
> e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/ birdsnest.maths.tcd.ie
> tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
> s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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