The state of NFS4?

Justin Willmert justin at
Fri Aug 18 11:23:09 UTC 2006

Uno Engborg wrote:
> Is NFS4 supposed to work in Fedora, and if so what versions does it
> work?
> I have the following  problem:
> I try to set up a FC3 (named aslan) machine as server and I use a FC4
> box as client (named odin).
> It work as far as I can mount the exported disk from the FC3 on the FC4
> box, but they are owned by nobody.
> If I try to mount the FC3 share on the FC3 box itself everything works
> fine, and the ownerships of the mounted files are correct.
> At first I thought that indicated that the FC3 server was OK, but then I
> tried to set up a share on the FC4 machine, and mount that on the FC4
> machine itself, now the permissions was OK again. If I tried to mount
> the share from the FC4 machine on the FC3 box by doing: 
> mount -t nfs4 -o rw odin:/ /mnt/NFS4
> I get the following
> message:
> mount: block device FC4:/ is write-protected, mounting read-only
> mount: cannot mount block device odin:/ read-only
> But I can mount it with no problems on the FC4 box itself using the same
> command. However I don't seam to be able to set acls on the mounted
> share. (I can set ACLs on the filesystem of server but nothing shows up
> on the client when it is exported and mounted there, apart from standard
> permissions.)
> Both machines get their users and groups from the same LDAP server,
> execpt for the root user and the nfsnobody user that are defined locally
> but in the same way on both machines.
> to set things up, I follow the description in:
> Any ideas why:
> 1) everything is owned by nobody if I mount an NFS4 share from another
> host, but gets OK permissions if I mount the share in the same host?
> 2)ACL:s doesn't work?
> All software is the latest available. Meaning kernels used are: 
>        2.6.12-2.3.legacy_FC3
>        2.6.17-1.2142_FC4
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Uno Engborg
Check out rpcidmapd. It translates names between computers, which NFSv4 
uses. The configuration file is at /etc/idmapd.conf, and you should only 
have to change the domains so they match, and then restart rpcidmapd (or 
enable it if it isn't running) and restart nfs.

Justin Willmert

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