web conference/dekstop sharing for linux behind firewall

Marius Andreiana mandreiana.lists at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 13:27:09 UTC 2006

On 8/18/06, Tod Merley <todbot88 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have only some thoughts:
Hi Tod,

> 1. Change the VNC port to one not blocked.
> 2. Do VNC via SSH and see that the SSH port(s) used are not blocked.
> 3. Proxy / NAT?
The PC on the internal network has no port fwd at all setup to it and
there is no admin access to the firewall, so no ports can be
fordwarded. Can VNC work without this? (the other computer, which runs
the viewer, is on a routable ip if it helps, with root access).

Otherwise, web apps could be used, but I haven't found any free ones
which support Linux.

Thanks anyway ;)
Marius Andreiana

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