FC4 and ssh passphrases not working

Matthew Miller mattdm at mattdm.org
Fri Aug 18 17:41:20 UTC 2006

On Fri, Aug 18, 2006 at 10:28:50AM -0700, Mike McMullen wrote:
> >It is on the order of random-typewriter monkeys producing Hamlet that this
> >particular issue could happen from a bad RPM -- but it is *quite* likely
> >that it could happen if your system were hacked and someone clumbsily
> >installed a trojaned sshd.
> >What happens if you run "rpm -V openssh"?
> When I run that I get no output. It just returns to the prompt. This is
> the same on a system that works and a system that doesnt.

Oh, wait, I mean "rpm -V openssh-server". Or "rpm -Va 'openssh*'".

> I've run chkrootkit on 3 systems. All report "nothing found" or "not 
> detected."
> netstat -pant only shows connections to port 22 from legit places.

Hmmm. How many other admins does this machine have?

Matthew Miller           mattdm at mattdm.org          <http://mattdm.org/>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <http://linux.bu.edu/>

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