The state of NFS4?

Uno Engborg uno at
Fri Aug 18 20:53:38 UTC 2006

Anthony Messina wrote:

>Uno Engborg wrote:
>>>>I try to set up a FC3 (named aslan) machine as server and I use a FC4
>>>>box as client (named odin).
>>>>It work as far as I can mount the exported disk from the FC3 on the FC4
>>>>box, but they are owned by nobody.
>>The idmapd.conf:s are identical both on server and client. So the
>>problem seam to be somewhere else.
>i found that on my fedora core servers, i had to restart rpc.idmapd
>after everything else or else no users were reliably mapped.  i inserted
>"service rpcidmapd restart" into my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and
>restarted.  with that setup, as long as the /etc/idmapd.conf files were
>the same, everything worked well.  this was all for fc4.
>i don't need to do any screwing around for fc5.  it works just fine.
Thanks! That seamed to do the trick, at leat in part, as files now get 
proper ownerships.

Still no ACLs though. My shared disk have an ext3 filesystem and is 
mounted as:
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw,usrquota,acl,user_xattr)
on the server machine.

Suggestions anyone?
Are ACLs in NFS4 supposed to work in Fedora? If so, in what versions?

Uno Engborg

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