RAID recovery????

Jeffrey Ross jeff at
Fri Aug 18 21:54:13 UTC 2006

I have a new (experimental) system that I installed software raid with.

The system has 4 - identical 18GB SCSI disks and I installed the 
partitions as follows:

/, /var, /usr, /home, and swap were made by carving out identical 
partitions out of the 4 disks and set as raid 5 with no spares

The /boot partition was set raid 1 on the first two drives and set aside 
partitions on the other two disks as spares.

Now I have failed my boot disk (SCSI ID 0) and I want to restore it, 
copying over the /boot partition and telling grub to use it wasn't that 
difficult, however I am at a loss to recover the other filesystems 
without being able to load "/" the system panics at boot time.

What am I doing wrong?  This is a FC5 install as it came off the CD's

Thanks, Jeff

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