HOWTO: Disable automatic spell checking in KDE (Konqueror etc.)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Fri Aug 18 22:30:34 UTC 2006

If you want to get rid of the automatic spell checking in Konqueror (for 
example because you use more than one language routinely), here's the way 
(actually 3 ways) to disable it (it's a global KDE setting):
* A hack is to set the spell checking configuration to a spell checker you 
don't have installed, this will effectively turn off spell checking.
* Here's a cleaner method, introduced in KDE 3.5.3:
1. Upgrade to at least KDE 3.5.3 (the current FC5 KDE is 3.5.4, the last FC4 
KDE is 3.5.3, so they should both be enough).
2. Make sure you have kdebindings installed, if not:
yum install kdebindings
3. Save this small Ruby script to knospellcheck.rb:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
require 'Korundum'
about ="knospellcheck",
                           "KNoSpellCheck", "1.00")
KDE::CmdLineArgs.init(ARGV, about)
a =
config ='kdeglobals')
4. chmod +x knospellcheck.rb
5. ./knospellcheck.rb (as the user you want to turn off spell checking for)
* If you prefer editing config files by hand:
1. Upgrade to at least KDE 3.5.3 (the current FC5 KDE is 3.5.4, the last FC4 
KDE is 3.5.3, so they should both be enough).
2. Locate/create "~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals". It is in INI format.
3. Locate/create the "[KSpell]" group.
4. Add: KSpell_DoSpellChecking=0
This is essentially what the Ruby script does.

>From what I have read, KDE 4 will have the option in the dialogs, for now these 
will have to do.

        Kevin Kofler

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