x86_64 or i386?

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 15:07:28 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-08-19 at 06:44, Matthew Miller wrote:

> > > > Centos 3.x is still a good server choice.  I've always considered
> > > > linux kernels to be stable around version x.x.20 or so.  
> > > It's different now.
> > Do you mean that with no odd-numbered development branch the
> > 2.6.x line may never stabilize?
> Even and odd no longer have anything to do with it. The 2.6.x.y releases get
> a bit of stabilization, but mostly it's full steam ahead. The idea is that a
> litte bit of change every release is better than a gigantic lump of changes
> with a 2.8.0 which then requires 'til 2.8.20 to run smoothly.

That's good for the developers but bad for people who don't
like surprises when applying needed distribution updates
to their servers - which is why most of mine are still running
CentOS 3.x.   With the odd/even cut, Linus was always way too
optimistic about declaring the version to be stable, but
by about x.x.20 it got there.  With little changes introduced
all the time and no one backporting security/bugfixes into
a well-tested release, how can anyone pick and maintain a
production version?

  Les Mikesell
   lesmikesell at gmail.com

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