
Colin J Thomson - G6AVK colin at
Sat Aug 19 23:48:47 UTC 2006

On Sunday 20 August 2006 00:27, David Fletcher wrote:
> I also just tried navigating to the wallet file with Konqueror. Right click
> Open with Wallet Management Tool also does nothing.
> I cannot get out my password for bugzilla to report this right now. If
> anybody else is seeing this problem, could they please report it?

You did not say what Fedora release or KDE version you are using, however 
its "probably" related to this bug:

A temporary work around for you would be to kill Kwallet and then run it 
again, IE:
[g6avk:Sun Aug 20 00:43:04 @~]$ ps aux|grep kwallet    g6avk     3829
[g6avk:Sun Aug 20 00:43:17 @~]$ kill -9 3829

Then run it again, from the shell or Menu.


Fedora Core 4, Kernel-2.6.17-beyond3
Registered Linux user number #342953

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