usb keyboard aargh!

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Sun Aug 20 15:35:43 UTC 2006

On Sunday August 20 2006 11:02 am, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> To make things more interesting, sometimes the problem is a USB 1.1
> device on a USB 2.0 controller. I can't remember the devices off
> hand, but I have run into a couple of USB devices that said they
> would work at 2.0 speeds when they really couldn't. They would work
> fine when hooked to a USB 1.1 controller or hub, but not when hooked
> to a 2.0 controller or hub. There are also some devices that will
> not work correctly with some hubs. But using a different hub solves
> the problem. It all depends on how well the specs are follower, I
> guess. At times, I think it is just how the different manufacturers
>   shortcuts work together.

There was a transitional time of confusion when the USB spec was being 
enhanced. Many devices labeled USB 2 were not. They had perhaps additional 
features over the original spec, but they were not faster. That created a lot 
of problems - my experience has been exactly what you describe.
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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