A basic 'newbie' question

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Sun Aug 20 17:43:40 UTC 2006

At 4:59 PM +0100 8/20/06, Keith Powell wrote:
>I tried Fedora5 some time ago, soon after it first came out. But
>didn't stick with it long enough to get to know it! I'd like to try
>Fedora again, but I see that version6 will be out in October.
>Will Fedora6 be just 'Fedora5 with all the upgrades', or will there be
>fundamental differencies? I'm wondering whether to buy the version5
>DVD now, or wait a couple of months and get the version6 DVD.
>I've looked in the archives and on the web site, but can't find the

You don't seem to have a present need to change, so I'd say wait.  If you
install FC5 now, and want to upgrade to FC6, you'll need to buy the new DVD
and run the installer.  If a Gig of downloads would bother you, you might
wait until later and buy a DVD of a respin of FC6 with updates.

Note that if you install a test release (FC6t2 or FC6t3) you are expected
to install the final release (FC6) from scratch, not as an upgrade.  Trying
to upgrade from a test or development release with the installer has not
worked in the past, probably due to version number confusion and lack of
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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