Fedora 5 WLAN problem with WAN

Wolfgang Gill wolfgang at rpi.net.au
Mon Aug 21 07:39:56 UTC 2006

On Sun, 20 Aug 2006 23:17:21 -0500, Joe W. Byers wrote
> I could use some help. I have an old HP Pavilion 6300 AMD K6 that I 
> installed Fedora 5 on several weeks ago.  I finally got ndiswrapper 
> compiled against the kernel and install the windows drivers.  My 
> network hardware is a Dell Truemobile 1180 Wireless USB adapter 
> connecting to a Dell True Mobile 2300 Router.
> My problem is that I can access all my computers from the HP and 
> they can access the HP, BUT I can not get outside my LAN.
> The router is dhcp enabled.
> My HP sees the router and connects to the LAN.  It gets the IP 
> assigned to this computer.  I can see all my other computers and 
> server in my home network.  Samba and Cups both are working for all 
> computers.  The HP can see and access all shared locations and print 
> and the other computes can access the shared locations on the HP.
> I try to access www.yahoo.com www.fedora.org and  the errors I get 
> when using Firefox or Konquerer are server not found.  I can access 
> my web pages on my httpd server inside the LAN.
> Basically all outside WAN access is not available, not from browsers,
>  ftp, or telnet.
> I would really appreciate some help.  Internet access from the HP 
> would me my life easier and I could at least copy system information 
> to an email to provide more information.
> Thank you

Sounds like the ISP's DNS addresses are missing.. Does the router forward
those to the systems as well?? (I had similar problems when my router wasn't
forwarding the dns addresses to the PC's.)

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