Chong Yu Meng chongym at
Mon Aug 21 12:09:33 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 08:37 +0000, azeem ahmad wrote:
> but the problem is that i have dumb network switches in my LAN, i mean 
> network switches which are not manageable. while as much i went through 
> freeRADIUS it told me that it requires an Access Server or NAS to work. 
> while i dont have any of these things
> so how can i do it without that devices

Ahhh, Azeem ... then what you want is not AAA, but either Network Access
Control (NAC) or IP Access Management (IPAM). When you said you wanted
an AAA solution, most of us would think RADIUS, or some such.

You may want to check out products from Infoblox
( No, I am not an employee or reseller for

I am sure you can setup something similar in Linux, but since you are
probably just getting started (and I assume you probably have a
deadline) an appliance solution is probably a better choice because it
is easier to understand, setup and maintain.

Pascal Chong 
email:  chongym at 

"La science ne connaît pas de frontière parce que la connaissance
appartient à l’humanité. et que c’est la flamme qui illumine le monde."

-- Louis Pasteur
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