backspace, delete woes

Michael Hennebry hennebry at
Mon Aug 21 15:50:25 UTC 2006

On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> On 20Aug2006 14:20, Michael Hennebry <hennebry at> wrote:
> | With FC5, I have a problem I didn't have with FC3.
> | When, from an xterm, I ssh to another machine,
> | vi on the remote machine does not like my backspace key.
> | Control-h  works, but the backspace key generates control-?,
> | which I take to be delete=0x7f.
> Yep. Most likely you're sending delete to your locate shell too, but its
> stty settings accomodate it. Firstly, both locally and remote, what does
> "stty -a" tell you about the intr and erase characters?

On the remote machine it now tells me
eol2 = <undef>; erase = ^?; erase2 = ^H; intr = ^C; kill = ^U;

For some reason, probably to deal with some other ancient problem,
I had had a startup file setting erase to ^H.
Changing that fixxed my problem.
Messing with .Xresources was not needed.

> Finally, check out the shell startup files on the remote machine. It is
> possible that either you or the system bashrc (and friends) is issuing a
> stty command that overrides your settings from the local machine.

Thanks much.

Mike   hennebry at
"it stands to reason that they weren't always called the ancients."
                                                      --  Daniel Jackson

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