mailbox mess

Michael Hennebry hennebry at
Mon Aug 21 19:28:58 UTC 2006

How do I clean up the mess I made as follows?

I used a pine filter to try to send suspected
(from spam-filter added headers) spam to a
folder called spam.
Oops.  Most of my INBOX went to folder spam.
I tried to write another filter that would put it back.
No go.  Does pine store information that keeps mail
that has been moved by a filter from being moved again?
Since I couldn't move mail from spam, I tried moving
all INBOX messages to spam so that I could copy spam to INBOX.
Success, until I started pine again.
The INBOX to spam rule was still there and
the result exceeded my storage quota.
I scp'ed my INBOX and spam to my home
machine in hopes of making repairs.
The hope is that I can do a threeway merge,
removing duplicates, between my INBOX, the copy
of INBOX on my home machine, and the copy of spam
on my home machine.
Are there tools that will let me do this?

Mike   hennebry at
"it stands to reason that they weren't always called the ancients."
                                                      --  Daniel Jackson

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