FC5 -- errno & __schedparam support

Ulrich Drepper drepper at redhat.com
Mon Aug 21 20:51:12 UTC 2006

Bill Colias wrote:
> I've been trying to recompile in FC5 with gcc some POSIX related code
> that compiles fine under a Redhat 2.4 core. I found that errno was not
> declared and pthread_attr_t has no member named __schedparam. What am I
> missing?

You never were allowed to look into pthread_attr_t objects.  The
structure is private and can only be modified through the appropriate
interfaces like pthread_attr_setschedparam.

➧ Ulrich Drepper ➧ Red Hat, Inc. ➧ 444 Castro St ➧ Mountain View, CA ❖

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