live cd

hawat.thufir at hawat.thufir at
Mon Aug 21 22:20:54 UTC 2006

On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
> Hello there,
> Actually, we are working on making kadischi stable for usage, which is
> our prime objective. We lack contributors and unfortunately, I have
> hardware problems for the moment,(waiting for the materials which I've
> ordered)
> JasperHartline and I are working on it and trying to improve it as
> much as we can. You can help in testing kadischi by creating your own
> fedora live cd (if you don't break fedora policies) :)
> If you are interested in this kadischi project, join the fedora-livecd
> mailing list for more accurate details. :)
> Cheers,
> Chitlesh Goorah

What sort of policies?  Stuff like not including mp3 support for legal 
reasons, trademarked images, stuff like that?

Does redhat recognize or endorse your efforts?  Google?


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