How to install Windows Codecs in firefox for MPLAYER

alan alan at
Mon Aug 21 23:53:46 UTC 2006

On Mon, 21 Aug 2006, Andy Green wrote:

> Keith wrote:
>> You won't be able to view the Apple trailers, but download the mplayer
>> plug in for firefox.
> It's sad but if you View Source to get the embed URL you can usually wget -O- 
> that URL to find the actual URL of the media file, which you can wget and use 
> in mplayer.
> Truly proprietary media is going to be the last fortress to fall (if it ever 
> does).

It already has.  It is just not in the distro yet due to adherence to 

Actually Apple Trailers are a codec issue.  (Exact codec name escapes 
me at the moment.) There is a win32 codec pack available on the mplayer 
site that will play just about everything, including the Apple trailers.

With the full codec pack I am able to play more than I can on a "standard" 
Windows box.  (There are some codecs that media player has no clue as to 
where to find.)

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lucky, lucky, lucky little boy. 'Cause you know why? You get to drink
from... the FIRE HOOOOOSE!"
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