
Tim ignored_mailbox at
Tue Aug 22 08:46:44 UTC 2006

Ed Greshko:
>> you can prevent "resolv.conf" from being overwritten.  You
>> uncheck the "Automatically obtain DNS information from provider"
>> selection in the configuration of your Internet connection.

Bob Goodwin:
> That wouldn't be a viable solution.

Why not?  Once you're running your own name server, you don't need the
ISP's for using the internet.  You may find, with some ISPs, that you
might need to use their name servers to resolve names within their own
network (their mailserver, newserver, etc.).  You can just put their DNS
server IP addresses into your name.conf as a "forwarder".  Your own
server will then use it for requests it can't manage itself.

(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

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I read messages from the public lists.

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