Hardware problem

PFJ paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk
Tue Aug 22 09:35:23 UTC 2006


> > If I reset the BIOS, the drives show, but then when the machine
> > normally shows what drives are on the system (this is before grub
> > kicks in, but after the usual "press DEL for the BIOS"), nothing shows
> > - it's like the settings less than 2 seconds before have gone.
> Did GRUB properly install?  You might want to boot a rescue disc, see if
> the drives are where you expect them to be (i.e. no obvious drive
> fault), then re-install GRUB.

It doesn't even hit grub.

If I set the BIOS to boot from CD (you can imagine this!), normally the
machine fires up and says something like

IDE0 Master : Maxtor EDU101 60Gb
IDE0 Slave  : Iomega Zip 250
IDE1 Master : Generic CDRW/DVD
IDE1 Slave  : Sony DVD/RW

with the press delete for the BIOS down the bottom. That isn't coming up
(unless I clear the BIOS, then it does - once only though).

The screen clears and you then get a list of all registered devices. If
you're booting from CD, this is when it happens. It's not as the drives
haven't been seen.

If the drives have been seen, you can boot from CD, but then anaconda
dies (doesn't matter if it's text, GUI or noprobe is used). I did manage
to fiddle it so I could install and that went painlessly. Nothing on
reboot mind (drives not seen).

I've downloaded a slightly newer BIOS and hopefully, that will help
tonight. I'm not optimistic.


"Logic, my dear Zoe, is merely the ability to be wrong with authority" -
Dr Who

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