FC5 Installation Killing Computers

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Tue Aug 22 09:46:07 UTC 2006

Tim wrote:

> If a hard drive is failing, and sits there going "click whirr whump",
> repeatedly, it's the hard drive that does that all by itself.  You can
> demonstrate this by powering up such a drive without any operating
> system running.

Good point.  I just powered up (using a different PSU) both drives 
disconnected from anything else for an hour, no clicks.  Just sayin'.

> If you're referring to a system that parks a drive when it's not being
> used for a while (sleeping/hibernating/etc.), I've not seen Linux do
> that by default, but it's a default behaviour for a few versions of
> Windows.

What was observed here by tailing /var/log/messages were log entries 
along the lines of "SATA removed" then "SATA added" as if the drive was 
being rediscovered, happening at intervals of ten seconds or so IIRC.

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