Postfix SMTP AUTH Problem

Chong Yu Meng chongym at
Tue Aug 22 11:00:27 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I am trying to configure SMTP AUTH on an FC5 development system and I'm
seeing something strange and hoping someone can help.

This is my environment:
Postfix version: 2.2.8-1.2
Cyrus SASL: 2.1.21

My Postfix is configured to host virtual domains (cymulacrum.cym and
virago.cym) and delivers mail via lmtp to Cyrus IMAP. The authentication
system I am using is not PAM but sasldb2. I have created the following
accounts inside sasldb2:

[root at aeonflux log]# sasldblistusers2 
admin at aeonflux.localdomain: userPassword
tom at cymulacrum.cym: userPassword
dick at cymulacrum.cym: userPassword
harry at virago.cym: userPassword
jill at virago.cym: userPassword
admin at virago.cym: userPassword
admin at cymulacrum.cym: userPassword
jack at virago.cym: userPassword

Now, I have already configured Postfix for SMTP AUTH and I am able to
successfully authenticate with admin at aeonflux.localdomain, by using:
username: admin
password: admin

But when I try to authenticate using:
username: tom at cymulacrum.cym
password: tom (yes, the password is correct -- I'm using weak passwords
because this is for a tutorial I am conducting)

I get an authentication error. I get errors for all the other accounts
except the one above. I suspect that I have to define the realm
somewhere instead of just using the "@domain", but I really don't know
where to begin looking. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Pascal Chong 
email:  chongym at 

"La science ne connaît pas de frontière parce que la connaissance
appartient à l’humanité. et que c’est la flamme qui illumine le monde."

-- Louis Pasteur
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