FC5 Installation Killing Computers

Chong Yu Meng chongym at cymulacrum.net
Tue Aug 22 11:28:03 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 18:04 +0930, Tim wrote:
> This thread has the hallmarks of troll FUDing (questionable claims,
> dubious warnings, denigrations, scaremongering, etc.).

I think that's a bit extreme. In cases like this, I find that it helps
to be a little patient because there's probably a little something else
(or combination of some things) that is happening that either the OP did
not notice or think was significant. 

There is that well-known urban legend about the "cursed" hospital bed
where any patient who lies in it is dead by morning, and the staff
eventually found out that the cleaning crew would turn off the life
support machine every morning to use the electrical socket. 

The story may not be true, but I have seen my fair share of strange
things that happen, which were initially attributed to something, when
in fact it was something else.

Let's all wait for the other shoe to drop.

Pascal Chong 
email:  chongym at cymulacrum.net 
web:    http://cymulacrum.net
pgp:    http://cymulacrum.net/pgp/cymulacrum.asc

"La science ne connaît pas de frontière parce que la connaissance
appartient à l’humanité. et que c’est la flamme qui illumine le monde."

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