How to restart alsa?

Mark Haney mhaney at
Tue Aug 22 12:26:07 UTC 2006

Paul Smith wrote:
> Thanks, Mark, but it not there:
> # dir /etc/init.d
> acpid               gpm         named                     rpcgssd
> anacron             haldaemon   nasd                      rpcidmapd
> apmd                halt        netdump                   rpcsvcgssd
> apt                 hidd        netfs                     saslauthd
> atd                 hplip       netplugd                  sendmail
> autofs              hsqldb      network                   single
> avahi-daemon        httpd       NetworkManager            smartd
> avahi-dnsconfd      iptables    NetworkManagerDispatcher  spamassassin
> bluetooth           irda        nfs                       sshd
> capi                irqbalance  nfslock                   syslog
> cpuspeed            isdn        nscd                      vncserver
> crond               killall     ntpd                      webmin
> cups                kudzu       pand                      winbind
> cups-config-daemon  lirc        portmap                   wpa_supplicant
> dhcdbd              lisa        psacct                    xfs
> diskdump            lm_sensors  rdisc                     ypbind
> dund                mdmonitor   readahead                 yum
> firstboot           mdmpd       readahead_early
> functions           messagebus  restorecond
> #
> Paul
Strange.  Okay, have you queried rpm to see if it's installed?  What's 
the output of rpm -qa | grep alsa say?

I don't remember exactly how FC handles it, but is alsa a kernel module 
or built into the kernel on your system?

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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