
Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at
Tue Aug 22 13:32:03 UTC 2006

*Chong Yu Meng wrote:*
> *
> Hi Bob,
> If you are running the caching server on a system without X, you can
> still do this:
> Assuming that you are using your 2nd network interface (eth1), then you
> need to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1. Locate the line
> PEERDNS and change it from PEERDNS=yes to PEERDNS=no. When you reboot,
> the /etc/resolv.conf will not get over-written. 
> *

"edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 [eth0 in this case]. 
Locate the line

*PEERDNS and change it from PEERDNS=yes to PEERDNS=no"

That seems to have fixed that problem.



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