Audio sync issues

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Tue Aug 22 16:11:37 UTC 2006

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 19:14 -0700, Alan wrote:
>>I have a couple of Fedora systems with audio sync problems.
>>I try playing youtube flash videos or xine and the audio starts creeping
>>off sync.  By the end of the video there is a definite offset of a
>>second or two.  Not good if you are trying to watch a movie.
>>Has anyone else seen this?  I am seeing this problem both with Fedora
>>Core 4 and Core 5.
> how much mainboard memory do you have and are you running a lot of
> services? 

I have seen it alot.  I have read someplace (maybe the Adobe site) that 
this is a know problem with Flash on Linux.  Someone else may be able to 

Watching some music videos from the 70's last night and I felt that I 
was high. ;)

Robin Laing

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