A basic 'newbie' question

Keith Powell keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk
Tue Aug 22 16:43:09 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 22 August 2006 5:09 pm, Robin Laing wrote:
> Keith Powell wrote:
> > Robin, my broadband speed is OK, but I am capped as to how much I
> > can download each month.
> >
> > Keith
> Couldn't you just pay the extra for one month?
I could, as long as it is only very occasionally (or else i would be 
expected to permanently upgrade my package!). So, it's probably 
cheaper to buy disks or a DVD. 

I get charged even if I go very slightly over my allowance. But then I 
am given the extra 2GB allowance for the month. I accidentally did it 
one month.



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