Crappy HDDs Killing Computers

jdow jdow at
Tue Aug 22 23:42:43 UTC 2006

And these days I rather like both of them. I've not lost data to a
Maxtor drive in ages. My partner used Seagate and has done pretty
well in that regard, too. He's had more failures than I have. But
RAID works. (And I think his failures were power supply. Mine were
solely related to a defective Promise RAID card that installed errors
in identical places on two disks in the RAID. Maxtor replaced them
no questions. And once Promise replaced the card it's been perfect
ever since.) We have a PILE of old Western Digital failures if anyone
is interested in 2G or 3G drives. Ever since we've eschewed them. We
also have a similar pile of IBM DeathStars. And I do have a pair of
80G Samsungs that are quite happily working as the drives in the
Linux firewall machine for quite some years now 24/7/365.24 less
maybe eight hours of hardware reconfiguration time on the machine
a year ago.

These days I look to the guarantee and purchase the premium drives
from Seagate or Maxtor. Those seem to be built to last forever. The
commodity drives die like flies no matter who makes them.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marc " <linuxr at>

Uh, Seagate just bought Maxtor, fyi.

I have had a lot of trouble with shuttle machines and seagate drives that
get hot and BURN UP due to bad design of the case which doesn't dissipate
heat.  It only happens with the second drive installed.  I have replaced
some seagates with Maxtor drives and I have not had the problem.  I am
convinced that it is not a 'bad batch' of drives since the machines were
bought over a time period of about a year.

That's my hard drive story of the day.


On 8/22/06, Chong Yu Meng <chongym at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 14:18 +0100, Andy Green wrote:
> > I guess you must be right and I was in the wrong
> > store at the wrong time buying the wrong product.
> >
> In Singapore, a lot of us believe that such a confluence of bad luck
> means that good luck must be around the corner! Buy yourself a lottery
> ticket ! Or give me the last four digits of the hard disk's serial
> number and I will buy myself a lottery ticket ! ;)
> --
> Pascal Chong
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