cannot mount cdrom as user after fc4 to fc5 yum upgrade

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Wed Aug 23 01:20:20 UTC 2006

I installed a system with the FC4 CDs that I had. Later I upgraded the 
system to FC5 via yum upgrade. I cannot mount data CDs as a regular 
user. The disc will mount if mounted using
mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrecorder
I can then view and deal with the content of the CD as a user.

Is there a package that is new and might not be pulled in if one 
upgrades the installation via yum?

I plan on releasing this computer into the hands of some regular desktop 
capable users. With this problem though, the user would have to know 
root password and how to work at the command line. Hopefully there is 
some program that was not pulled in and it will mend all wounds.


A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and
ask for it back the when it begins to rain.
		-- Robert Frost

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