Fonts Gone Wild

John Horne john.horne at
Wed Aug 23 14:11:09 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 18:22 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> Is it just me or has anyone else seen the default font change over night
> to something that looks like Garbage_Scow TrueType? It's REALLY pitiful
> looking and shot full of microscopic holes with crinkly looking edges. 
Yup, noticed that.

Likewise, I didn't know if a further upgrade was going to revert the
font back to whatever it was before, or if anyone was going to mention
it on this list! Personally I thought I'd wait and see if it reverted
back before saying anything.

Surprisingly, the new font doesn't look too bad on my work PC, but awful
on my home one!


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK  Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
E-mail: John.Horne at       Fax: +44 (0)1752 233839

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