IST for system, local time for people

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Wed Aug 23 16:46:32 UTC 2006

>> Is your local time supposed to be different than IST?

> Generally, yes.  Sometimes it might be the same, if your local time is
> GMT (Grenwich Mean Time).
> IST ?=? International Standard Time

My quick look up of what IST might mean, returned "Indian" Standard
Time.  "International" Standard Time was one that I didn't notice.  Just
one reason why I asked if it was supposed to be the local time, too.

Me, I prefer GMT.  It has a well established meaning, and refers to what
the planet is up to regarding the rest of the universe.  UTC is an
abstract concept.

Damn these acronyms, we don't all know what we're referring to...  ;-)

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

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