Anomaly encountered installing FC5

James Wilkinson fedora at
Wed Aug 23 17:12:00 UTC 2006

david  c cooke wrote:
> While attempting a GUI installation of Fedora 5 from a DVD(2.6 series of
> the Linux Kernel), the screen displayed something like you would see as
> snow, like watching gamma radiation as seen from a televison set tuned to
> no particular channel, however the pixels are fixed and with color and
> other horizontal lines of garbage.
> The garbage screen occurs just into the installation. I tried various
> options; safe mode resulted in the same outcome. The install went to
> completion in text mode but after GRUB boot prompt the system dropped to a
> command line [localhost login]. Only a password was asked for at the
> beginning.
> I am running a new system, new hardware; SATA drive, 800FSB, 1GB RAM, 
> mother board is d945gnt
> messages include:
> ext2-fs: unable to read superblock
> isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev-md1, iso_blknum=16, block=32
> kernel panic-not syncing: VFS:unable to mount root fs on
> unknown-block(9,1)
> [<c011978e>] panic+03x3e/0x16c
> ......
> ......
> ......
> [<0101005>] kernel_thread_helper+x5/0x6

Could be memory trouble, too -- in fact, it sounds a lot like memory
trouble. Run memtest86 from the install DVD: see the second point of for details.

You should leave it running overnight.

Hope this helps,


New address: james  | "The letters are Elvish, of an ancient mode, but the | language is that of Microsoft, which I will not utter
                    | here. But this in the Common Tongue is what is said:
                    | By this or any other name, You are well and truly..."

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