cannot mount cdrom as user after fc4 to fc5 yum upgrade (fixed)

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Wed Aug 23 21:53:28 UTC 2006

James Wilkinson wrote:

Thanks Dave and James for the help. Things are working correctly now.

> David G. Miller wrote:
>> Chances are the upgrade process just rewrote your /etc/fstab file.  Add the 
>> keyword "user" or "managed" to the mount options column for the cdrecorder in 
>> fstab.  It should look something like:

I believe the file was left as FC4 set it up. Attached is the fstab file 
that gave me troubles. I commented out the whole line related to 
/media/cdrecorder and discs mounted using the label info to make the 
mount point. fstab-sync setting this up and FC5 not using the entry at 
all to deal with cdroms must have caused the problem.

>> /dev/hdb       /media/cdrecorder       auto    pamconsole,exec,noauto,user 0 0
>> or
>> /dev/hdb     /media/cdrecorder      auto    pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
>> I think managed relies on the automounter while "user" lets the user
>> mount and the same user unmount the drive.  User the "users" mount
>> option if you want to allow any user to unmount the drive even if they
>> weren't the user who originally mounted it.  Hopefully, someone else
>> will chime in with how "managed" really works.

There was an entry for the floppy that had managed resulting from 
fstab-sync days. I needed to remove managed and add users for this to 
work for the user to mount floppies. Thanks for the pointers.

> Well normally in FC5, it doesn't. "managed" used to mean that fstab-sync
> could add and remove stuff at will (for example, if the CD drive was
> removed from the machine).

Leftovers from fstab-sync was the problem. Thanks for the pointer. There 
is no fstab-sync program any longer on FC5. I don't know if there was 
for FC4. If so, it was removed when the yum upgrade completed its tasks.

> These days it should be a combination of HAL and gnome-mount that
> handles removable devices, and they won't use /etc/fstab at all. So on a
> new install (or on an upgrade using the DVD) there shouldn't be any
> /dev/hdb line in /etc/fstab.

That was the problem. Commenting out the line allowed the user to mount 
and eject the device.

> What does
> rpm -V udev hal hal-gnome gnome-mount
> return?

These were the same as FC5 latest updates.


> James.

I've enjoyed just about as much of this as I can stand.
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