USB drive umount problem in KDE 3.5.4 (FC5)

David Fletcher fc at
Wed Aug 23 22:17:42 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 23 August 2006 16:52, Than Ngo wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 23. August 2006 13:45 schrieb Mike Cohler:
> eject-2.1.5-0.1.fc5 will be pushed into FC5-update today. It fixes this
> above problem.
> Than

It's a whole lot better but I'm still seeing something strange. I've got a 
ByteStor branded USB device which appears to have two partitions, one small 
which I assume the manufacturer installed with a couple of windows related 
files I think, and the main one that I use for storage.

After testing it a couple of times, the small partition icon always seems to 
have the Safely Remove. With the main partition I can only get the Safely 
Remove after I've done right-click properties and asked it to do the size 
calculation. Then I get the safely remove. Clicking safely remove makes the 
icons disappear from the desktop.

So, it's a whole lot better but something still seems to be slightly odd, 
requiring this three click work-around.

Dave Fletcher

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