removing old Kernels

Kostas Sfakiotakis kostassf at
Thu Aug 24 11:21:09 UTC 2006

Greetings Mikkel,

Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> While this would work, it is not a good way to do it on a system
> with package management. You are much better off using rpm or yum to
> remove the kernel packages.
Is it my impression or rpm will work only if the kernel was installed 
using an rpm ?

>  This keeps your RPM database accurate.
> As others have covered how to use yum and rpm to do this, as well as
> how to remove any kernel development packages that way be installed,
> I will not go into that. One other way you can do it is to use the
> yum extender GUI, remove section, searching for kernel, and pick the
> packages you want to remove.
Well i can't use the Yum extender GUI because i am unaware of  it .
> Mikkel

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